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Basic DNA

The journey begins.

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA

What to expect

In Basic ThetaHealing® you receive the step-by-step processes of the ThetaHealing® reading, healing, belief and feeling work, and gene work.

Also an introduction to the Planes of Existence and additional informations for the beginner.

You will receive a wealth of information and tools to help you remember who you really are: A unique spark of creation.

Equipped with everything to create a fulfilled, meaningful life.

What you take
  • the belief and feeling work that can instantly change the thinking within you that creates discomfort, stress or illness. Believe work empowers us with the ability to remove negative programs and replace them with positive ones. Believe work is a means to pierce through the layers to the subconscious mind to make change without creating or recreating the pain.

  • the 7 Planes of Existence, a concept that allows you to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is

  • how to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally , and spiritually, using the Creator of All That Is.

  • how to use and train your psychic senses

  • many different exercises like reading the future, talking to guardian angels, intuitive body scans, clearing from toxic and dark energies

 .... and so much more!


4 days

from 10 am - 3 pm


Sep 12 - 15 |


Online |

Carolin |



Online via Zoom

You can download it here.




The digital workbook

Digital Certificate

* The online participation in this seminar

requires a book. As we are in subject

of the conditions applied from the digital

and physical booksellers we can not

provide it to you. You are kindly asked to

purchase the seminar book by yourself

in either a physical or digital form.

Seminar book title: "ThetaHealing

Introducing An Extraordinary

Energy Healing Modality" 


By completing this seminar

you certify from THInK

(Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge)

as a "ThetaHealing® DNA Basic Practitioner"

Your investment in yourself

440 €

For payment options, scholarships

or to repeat a class,

please click here.

We look very forward to seeing you!

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