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Dig Deeper

The key to open the door to new realities.

ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper

What to expect

The central technique in ThetaHealing® is the belief work:

Change your beliefs and your reality changes.

In order to get to the core and key beliefs, which are the trigger for everything we experience in our so-called problems and which are deeply hidden in the subconscious, the practitioner learns the "digging".

This is an approach in which we "dig" deeply into the key belief set by purposeful questions, then resolving and replacing it. With this questioning technique, we are able to quickly and efficiently find the difficult and deep unconscious thoughts and convictions that block us.

The seminar was created by Vianna Stibal to enable the Theta healers to get a solid foundation in this essential technique.

What you take

The 8 Ways of Digging: make the right questions, no matter what the life issue is and learn the art of true listening.
You get tips and techniques, so that you feel secure in finding in yourself and others the core beliefs. For only when the core and the origin of a problem is fully recognized can you know which beliefs are to be changed at all. If the basic belief is not found and only surface beliefs are changed, true and lasting healing and change is not possible, since the "key" was not recognized.

The seminar supports you in understanding yourself and your clients in their behavior and their life setting. You will be ready to contribute to the deeply fulfilling and satisfying experience of real, lasting healing change and thus to take full advantage of ThetaHealing®.


3 days

Fri 4 pm - 8 pm

Sat + Sun 10 am - 3 pm


Jun 21 - 23 |


Online |

Carolin |



Online via Zoom

You can download it here.


The digital workbook

Digital Certificate

* The online participation in this seminar

requires a book. As we are in subject

of the conditions applied from the digital

and physical booksellers we can not

provide it to you. You are kindly asked to

purchase the seminar book by yourself

in either a physical or digital form.

Seminar book title:

"ThetaHealing®: Digging for Beliefs:

How to Rewire Your Subconscious Thinking

for Deep Inner Healing" 


By completing this seminar

you certify from THInK

(Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge)

as a "ThetaHealing® DNA Basic Practitioner"

Your investment in yourself

395 €

For payment options, scholarships

or to repeat a class,

please click here.

We look very forward to seeing you!

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