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You & Creator

I know you.

ThetaHealing® Growing Your Relationships Part 2: You and God

What to expect

Understand your divine self and your survival subconscious. 

The difference of the Creators voice verses your ego. 

What is truth verses fear.

In this class you will truly get to know yourself and your motivations.

You will learn to know true intuition versus being led by what you want to happen. 

What you take

This is a long awaited class. Many students asked Vianna: "How do I know when I am listening to the creator?" And this class will help you identify it. 

The relationship between you and god:

Learn the difference about talking to your higher self and the creator. 

Learn to identity the truth in all things. 

It teaches you to really know yourself and your subconscious and what your true motivations are. To learn about yourself the good and most interesting parts without over judging yourself, but embracing who you are and to really understand how to use the creator and getting energy and advice.


May: 4 days

from 3:30 pm - 8 pm

Nov: 3 days

from 10 am - 3 pm


May 29 - 31 |

Nov  1  -   3 |


Online |

Online |

Carolin |

Carolin |




Online via Zoom

You can download it here.


The digital workbook

Digital Certificate

* The online participation in this seminar

requires a book. As we are in subject

of the conditions applied from the digital

and physical booksellers we can not

provide it to you. You are kindly asked to

purchase the seminar book by yourself

in either a physical or digital form.

Seminar book title:

"ThetaHealing®: You and the Creator:

Deepen Your Connection with

the Energy of Creation"

Your investment in yourself

395 €

For payment options, scholarships

or to repeat a class,

please click here.

We look very forward to seeing you!

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