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Soul Mate

Let love find you.

ThetaHealing® Soul Mate

What to expect

Soul mates are not hard to find. 

A compatible soul mate will flow with you with little or no friction.


Many of us are born into this world with feeling and knowing of what being loved by another person should feel and be like. We search and yearn for it but do not know how to fulfil this desire. Hence many of us have had difficult relationships in the past. Now we do not need to stay any longer in this loop and move on with the help of the right psychological and spiritual tools.


The seminar is designed for spiritually romantic people who have not lost the faith that there is someone out there with a divine understanding of us, and that two people are brought together for a divine plan that will contribute towards a higher purpose.​

What you take

Based on Vianna’s own experience about finding her soul mate, this class aims to reaffirm you belief in true love and shows you how you can bring your most compatible soul mate into your life. And also how to keep him/her after you found each other. 

If you already have you soul mate you will learn how to deepen and ease your relationship with them.

​You’ll receive some practical spiritual guidance related to love, relationships and soul mates.​


3 days

from 10 am - 3 pm


Jul 26 - 28 |


Online |

Carolin |



Online via Zoom

You can download it here.


The digital workbook

Digital Certificate

* The online participation in this seminar

requires a book. As we are in subject

of the conditions applied from the digital

and physical booksellers we can not

provide it to you. You are kindly asked to

purchase the seminar book by yourself

in either a physical or digital form.

Seminar book title:

"Finding Your Soul Mate

with ThetaHealing®"

Your investment in yourself

395 €

For payment options, scholarships

or to repeat a class,

please click here.

We look very forward to seeing you!

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